Cedar Rapids Brewing Society
October 10th Cabinet Minutes
Present: Derek Doan, Logan Loeb, Haley GoLightly, Matt Franklin and Mark Jensen
October 17, 2024 Meeting Location – Big Grove Cedar Rapids
Social Hour – 7:00 PM General Meeting 8:00 PM
Donation to GCRCF to take place at November Meeting.
Substantial, well substantial for us.
Matt from Benz will be invited.
Elections will be taking place at the November meeting.
Vice President
Festival Coordinator
Competition Coordinator
Events Coordinator
Discussion about by laws change to Brewing and Tasting Society.
We have to locate the by-laws. They are on a Google Drive somewhere
Discussion about Teach a Friend to Homebrew Day
Brewing a Keptinis and a Vienna Rye Lager.
What time do we want to start?
It is going to be an 8 hour brew day with two batches. I can start the first mash early to speed things up.
Club will reimburse for ingredients, metal pans, bottles, caps.
What yeast should we use? And why.
Porter turn in is at the November Meeting
Holiday Party is at the Jensen’s
November meeting location is Need Pizza on Nov. 21.