Home Forums Club Activities Upcoming Events Wort Rally 2024

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    Logan Loeb

    Here’s the link to our Wort Rally. Wort pick-up will be on March 22. More info provided on the website. Enjoy!

    Tony Browning

    Just entered (Entry #007) and paid via PayPal ($25).


    Nice! Glad to see more people signing up.

    Tony Browning

    When and where is the public tasting for the Rally? All that is mentioned is about the Judging session. Please confirm that the public tasting is May 26th at Big Grove – CR. What time – same as Happy Hour (3 – 5 pm)?

    Logan Loeb

    Wort Rally Update.
    Beer Turn In: Thursday, 5/16, at Big Grove Cedar Rapids taproom at 7:00 pm.
    Judging: Sometime before May 26.
    Kent Signing off on BJCP paperwork.
    Tasting Event: May 26 3:00-5:00 pm Big Grove Cedar Rapids. Takes the place of our monthly Happy Hour.
    Brewing for the winner is penciled in on Solon Brew Calendar.

    Tony Browning

    Thanks for the update, Logan!

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