3/14 Cabinet Minutes (half assed version because I just remembered I didn’t post them on Friday)
Wort Rally
Wort Rally Currently sits at 10 volumes of wort.
Invites sent to THIRSTY and IBU.
We could squeeze out wort for 24 volumes, but would feel safer with 20 volumes.
Brew time of the wort is undetermined. I would like to have it all done, and packaged by 15:00.
Dubuque Homebrew club is going to be invited.
Divesh has a list of items that need to be completed. I will post a .pdf of the list on Thursday before the meeting.
Haley is replacement coordinator since Divesh is moving.
I gave my list of items back to Divesh so I can’t scan it and put it on the line. I’m an idiot.
15 vendors have said “Yes” to attending.
Two food vendors
Las Ortegas
Coyle’s Hibachi
We need a T-Shirt design asap. Haley is on it. Level 10 Will be running the T-shirts. Previous years included Level 7 and Level 9. Level 8 was the covid year.
The festival is 8 weeks away.
There will be a Sign Up Genius for festival tasks. Do not be surprised to see your name already on the list when you go to sign up. Haley has taken charge of this and is going to place people where she sees their strengths.
Greater Good Fund at the Cedar Rapids Community Foundation will be our charity.
A stipend to brewers in the future was discussed. ($100 – $150)
2025 Competition Beer Styles
January – Belgian Pale Ale 24B
April – Czech Amber Lager 3C
May – Mead (TBA) Probably announced in 2024.
July – English IPA 12C
October – Historical Style Sahti 27 (This style is under protest.) 1 recipe on Craft Beer and Brewing website. 79 recipes on Brewer’s Friend recipe list. Several thousand on The Google. Look at some of them so it can be discussed at the meeting.